G Scott Brown Leadership

5 Secrets Most Successful People Share Part 3


If you’ve been following these blogs, you know that For the last few days I have been sharing certain secrets that most successful people have in common. If you missed yesterday’s...

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5 Secrets Most Successful People Share Part 2


As I shared yesterday, For the next 5 days I want to share certain secrets that most successful people have in common.

If you missed yesterday’s topic, you can find it by going to my blog at...

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5 Secrets Most Successful People Share Part 1


5 Secrets Most Successful People Share 

Have you ever spent any time studying very successful people? Do they seem to you to have something in common? There seems to be something about them,...

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Benefits of Getting Organized

Benefits of Getting Organized

Getting organized is not just a good idea because your mom said so. There are lots of benefits to being in control and developing a clutter-free lifestyle.

  1. Less...
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5 Steps To Positive Thinking

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But sometimes we get so busy being diligent in our day-to-day activities that we seldom find the time to introspect and ask ourselves, if we are...

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How to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up

How to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up


Whether it's running a marathon, working towards your dream or trying to make a marriage work, there are some situations we can find ourselves in...

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Being Unique vs. Being Original

Being Unique vs. Being Original

 People like to think of themselves as unique, and they will even interchange the word unique with being original. But are they the same thing? Can you be...

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Your Thoughts Are A Reflection Of Your Life


Your Thoughts Are a Reflection of Your Life

What we believe and think will project through to how we live our lives. Too many people don’t believe this. They often attribute their misfortunes...

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4 No-nonsense Ways to have a Better Work-Life Balance

4 No-nonsense Ways to have a Better Work-Life Balance

Written by Scott Brown

There’s a growing number of people struggling with their work-life balance. A large percentage of American...

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